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Writing Assignment 6_Developmental Writing I

Writing Assignment 6_Developmental Writing I

Q As we grow up, we develop our ideas of how things should be from our home lives. In many cases, we grow to adulthood and still feel that we do not do certain things quite as well as our parents did. For example, a person might grow to be a good cook but still sigh about how mom's way of making something was still better. In a paragraph written for a general academic audience, describe one thing that your mother (or other primary childhood caregiver) does (or did) best. Remember to include a topic sentence and at least three supporting details.

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Just like most mothers, my mother, too, is a superhero who can manage everything around so well, without ever letting her troubles or obstacles affect her interaction with others or managing them. She could have a headache or not be feeling well, yet the way she does everything at home, or goes out to buy groceries, or working on her projects, or even manage all of us, would never seem like she has any health issues. My mother can multitask very well and never mixes up any work, which results in us finding everything at the right place and our problems being solved even before we point it out.